Existential War Diary #1: Premise, Main Characters
This is my first writer's diary on my upcoming story/script, Existential War. I'm very indecisive about everything including which parts of a synopsis to highlight, so I'll do my best to describe this...
The story takes place on a planet called Nivius, where the Human beings of Earth have been locked in a war with the Nivians since discovering the planet. things were swell at first between the two races, but Nivians are traditionalist and Humans are imperial, two (sometimes toxic) traits colliding for the worst. when we enter the story, the war has been going on for many, many decades, and is reaching a critical juncture.
when I first had the story in mind, I knew I always wanted to get personal and focus on characters on both sides of the conflict. I don't like to write my characters as black and white; I always want to add that shade of grey. I want them to be contradictory and hypocritical, react to their situations, react to moments such as in the real world. I want their experiences to shape them and their worldview.
The pictures I will use as faceclaims to give you visual descriptions of the characters.
Seiji Higuchi
Seiji is one of the central characters of the story. A Nivian with conflicted ideals, he's not hateful of Humans. Yet, he also has no problem hurting one if it means protecting his people. Seiji's got a lighthearted and playful personality, always having a witty crack on standby. he's outgoing for anyone, even the strangest of strangers. He was raised as a fighter, spending most of his childhood being trained by his grandfather, Akuma. Seiji's father, Okura, takes issue with this, as he feels Akuma has trained Seiji to be a soldier rather than a seeker of peace. This tug of war between his two elders is a huge aspect of Seiji's path in the story.
Strife Kurosaki
Strife is an inventor, an innovator, one of the smartest Nivian minds. as it will be explored in the story, he had a tough upbringing, but his life changed for the better when he encountered Seiji. his mind runs more than his mouth, but he's kind, understanding, and a logical and critical thinker. he's always going by the facts, the hard science of things, but that doesn't mean his personal feelings completely evade his work. as we'll come to know, Strife is somewhat paradoxical in his nature. Strife's view on the war is that both sides are simply too stubborn, unwilling to compromise. however, he still assist Seiji in his efforts to protect their people from harm, as vigilantes, guardian angels.
Kenzo Tomatsu
Kenzo, the loose canon. The hot-head. out of all the characters in the story, he's the most proudly radical of them (besides Akuma). Kenzo is a Nivian who is driven by his anger and hatred of Humans in the war, and has a "kill or be killed" mentality with all of them. he can kill a Human with his bare hands without consequence or lack of malice. Kenzo didn't have much of a family until he met Seiji, and it was Seiji's family that practically raised him from then on. Due to Kenzo's short fuse and explosivenss, Seiji gave him the nickname of "Unleashed." Kenzo is Seiji's partner on the field as they stop war crimes, donning suits and mask to conceal their identities, although Akuma (who is a war general) tips them off on the locations of Human strongholds that house Nivian prisoners. Of the duo, Kenzo is brutal, while Seiji takes a more casual approach. Seiji, however, has no problem with how Kenzo deals with things.
Mya Kagumi
Mya Kagumi’s parents were murdered before she knew how to walk. It was one of the more crucial battles of the war, of which they fought in. The Battle of Yonite, the first major Nivian city to completely fall to the Humans. The death toll for Nivians alone, whether that be military or civilian, ranked in the hundreds of thousands. Mya grew up in the household of her grandparents, and most of her early knowledge of the world came from their ramblings. Yet, they had a very… muddled perception of reality. Not cynical, yet not all sunshine and rainbows either. The two of them just showed a very painful lack of self-awareness, completely oblivious to the obvious. By all accounts, however, Mya raised herself. In a world where those in charge are after some kind of bloodlust, a quest for vengeance rather than peace, you kinda are left to fend for yourself. Gather knowledge, absorb it and come to your own conclusions. Mya found solace in training with Okura Higuchi, who was basically a father figure to her, raising her as his student in the martial arts and on a personal level. Mya also assist Seiji, Strife, and Unleashed in their activities, and she's definitely got a thing going on with Seiji though they rarely find the time to address it. like Strife, she's a scientist just as much as she is a martial artist, a highly intelligent Nivian girl with a strong work ethic
Austin Nishiyama
Half-Human, Half-Nivian, Austin was created by Human scientist Kazuhiro Nishiyama in a space colony. his purpose, to mediate tensions between Humans and Nivians. He’s more than just a symbol for unity, for peace. He’ll be a hero to the world, unbiased and without propensity. Kazuhiro considers his son as the last hope for rationale between the two sides. Austin carries out his purpose, his sense of justice and his hope for a better world driving him to do good. He gains a reputation as the "Human Hybrid", breaking up many battles between Human and Nivian forces.. but his reputation makes him a divisive figure. while many do see him as that symbol of unity, most see him as a liability, to be either controlled for their own benefit or completely neutralized.
Rush Leon Jr.
Born different, living a secluded childhood, Rush is a Meta-Human who is still finding his place in the world. he spent most of days deep in the books, they were a good distraction from his otherwise confusing reality. for as long as he's known he could do extraordinary things: telekinesis. he joins the same government agency as his father for a sense of meaning during the war, but destiny is going to take him on a very different path. he's got an awkward personality; he's just developing his social skills in his adult life. Detective Rush Leon Jr.'s curious nature and relentless pursuit of the truth makes him probably the most crucial part to ending the war...
Yukari Nakamura
In the middle of Nivius’ largest sea was a greatly guarded secret; an island, civilized and deliberately fortified from any foreigners. Only those native to the island were permitted to inhabit it, as decided by the island’s first king. A law that has been maintained from every member of the ruling bloodline since. The large island was rich with the healthiest environments known to the planet. The greatest fruit, the most advanced medicine, almost a perfect world. Almost. The population of the island was either unaware of the war that plagued the rest of the world or chose to ignore it. There was an in-between, those that wanted to intervene, but their cries usually fell on deaf ears. The island’s society had problems of it’s own. Civil unrest, protest, riots. A divided nation. Half in support of the King, the other half vehemently opposed to him. Although not very vocal in public, the King’s wife & daughter were two of those opposers. Yukari Nakamura, the daughter of King Renji Nakamura, was taken from her island at the behest of her mother so she could lead even a semblance of a normal life. Yukari grew up alongside Austin Nishiyama, both raised by Kazuhiro Nishiyama, a Human scientist. Yukari is aggressive, steadfast, powerful and dauntless. She cares deeply for Austin and considers him a soulmate, as she helps him thwart war crimes, the both of them taking a neutral stance in the war.
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